The IPCC has released a report stating that only " broad and radical changes” in the global economy can prevent a climate disaster. "If you want to slow down global warming to one and a half degrees, the net carbon dioxide emissions globally should be reduced to zero by 2050," said UN expert Valerie Masson-Delmotte. This is the most important conclusion of the document”.
What UN experts suggest
The IPCC experts propose a number of unusual measures resulting the complete abandonment of fossil fuels - oil, gas and coal. First of all, in their opinion, it is necessary to stop using power plant coal. "Coal has the highest carbon content among fossil fuels," explains IPCC expert Jim Ske. "Therefore, it must be abandoned as soon as possible."
According to the International Energy Agency, today there are about ten thousand coal power plants with a capacity of more than 30 MW each. They produce over 40% of all electricity. So, in order to meet the requirements of the UN experts, we need to close an average of one power plant a day.
Note that coal is considered the cheapest fuel for generating electricity, which, in fact, explains a large number of coal power plants. Switching to other fuels or methods of generating electricity will inevitably affect consumers' budgets.
But the abandonment of coal power is not the most radical proposal of the UN experts. They also want to drastically reduce the consumption of gasoline and diesel fuel. And for this purpose, they offer imposition of harsh environmental taxes.
The UN wants all countries to impose an environmental tax of USD 5,500 per ton of carbon dioxide by 2030, which means about USD 13 per liter of gasoline or diesel. By 2100, the tax is proposed to increase five times — up to USD 65 per liter of fuel (27 thousand dollars per ton of CO2).
Fuel prices can skyrocket 60 times
According to the Globalpetroltprices portal, the average price of gasoline in the world is now USD 1.1 per liter, for diesel - USD 1.05. Thus, the UN experts demand to increase the cost of fuel 12 times over the next 12 years. And by more than 60 times — by the end of the century!
The idea of an environmental tax is unpopular with the people, to put it mildly. Evidence of this is the “yellow vests " protests in France, which lasted for more than a year and were temporarily suspended only because of the coronavirus epidemic.
And France found itself on the verge of civil war because of a just symbolic increase in the fuel prices. The gasoline prices in the country shall grow by 2.9 euro cents. And for diesel — by 6.5 euro cents per liter with current price of 1.46 euros per liter. It means we are talking about 2% to 4.5% price growth. It already cost French President Emmanuel Macron a drop in the rating from 40% in July to an anti-record of 20%.
The apocalyptic forecasts of environmentalists are increasingly irritating not only for politicians. So, Professor of the University of Colorado Roger Pielke emphasizes that so far, there is no evidence of a link between the increase in the number of extreme weather conditions and global warming. “Even the IPCC experts admit that there is no reason to say that the number of droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes has increased due to greenhouse gases,” he wrote on Twitter.
"The huge tax, which the IPCC experts consider a necessary measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is regarded by ordinary people as a bald robbery," points out the American analytical portal The Daily Caller. "The constant robberies of public funds under the pretext of climate change has only made the situation worse."
“Climate change is no longer the point, but it is about the desire to steal money from those who are in the worst economic conditions, by those who consider themselves above everybody else,” the Daily Caller notes.
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